Revelation 2:1-4 Finding Lost Love 09.15.10 (Discipleship)
Revelation 2:17 Your Identity 09.08.10 (Salvation)
Revelation 3:20 Lost 06.21.16 (Lostness) (More expostion of meaning of this verse.)
Revelation 3:20 Pure Evil 08.11.14 (Evil)
Revelation 3:20 Jesus Wants You! 10.12.10 (Salvation)
Revelation 3:20 He Can Do It! 10.03.11 (Empowerment)
Revelation 3:20 Christmas Gift Ideas 12.18.14 (Christmas)
Revelation 4:8 Do Good 04.30.14 (Discipleship)
Revelation 7:9-10 All Peoples 07.18.16 (Violence and Terrorism)
Revelation 12:11 Pokemon Go and the Unseen World 07.27.16 (Spiritual Warfare)
Revelation 12:11 Spritual Orientation Phenomenon 07.11.14 (Witnessing)
Revelation 12:11 Worldly Noise 03.28.16 (Courage)
Revelation 19:9 For a Limited Time Only 03.06.15 (Bible)
Revelation 19:16 Are You Cinderella? 04.01.16 (Call)
Revelation 19 Time Travelers 10.26.10 (Deception)
Revelation 20:11-14 Buying Hell 04.11.16 (Salvation)
Revelation 20:11-15 Brace for Impact 09.28.10 (Salvation)
Revelation 20:11-15 Code Red 09.22.11 (Judgment)
Revelation 20:15 Your Identity 09.08.10 (Salvation)
Revelation 21:4 No More... (In Remembrance of 9/11) 09.10.10 (Adversity)
Revelation 21:6 I Thirst 04.14.14 (Easter)
Revelation 21:9 Are You Cinderella? 04.01.16 (Call)
Revelation 21 The Truth of Easter 03.24.16 (Easter)
Revelation 22:13 End of the Road 02.22.12 (Death)
Revelation 22:17 Jesus Wants You! 10.12.10 (Salvation)