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Prayer Requests

janie c. Post
August 21, 2007
I need prayers , I am so afraid I will be forced to leave my home soon and I have no place to go and I need a better paying job ,I have interviews but they give job to youger people, and I am qualified to do it.I would relocate if I had a job , but can't leave no money to live on while looking for job. I am at the brink of ending it all, I have no family to help me and nobody to turn to. In despair, not a day of peace for me afraid to go to bed that I will get a knock at door to leave. Pray for me Janie
Thomas S. Post
August 21, 2007
Please pray that Gina w/never be hit or abused by that wicked thing named Paul W. That the Lord removes him from her life.
That no weapon formed against Gina shall prosper in Jesus name. Thank you & God bless you all
Thomas S. Post
August 21, 2007
Please pray that Gina w/never be hit or abused by that wicked thing named Paul W. That the Lord removes him from her life.
That no weapon formed against Gina shall prosper in Jesus name. Thank you & God bless you all
Darlene H. Post
August 19, 2007
Pray for the speedy return of 4 year old Madeleine McCann of England who ahd been kidnapped while on vacation with family in Portugal. Pray for salvation of all those involved. Pray they will not harm her. Pray the Lord gives strength and perseverence to her parents, knowledge,wisdom to those searching for her.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
August 16, 2007
I need prayers , I am losing my house and have nowhere to go. I am trying to get a better job so I can afford to pay the rent but can't find a job. I am experienced worker but still not able to get a job. Please pray I will be able to stay here for awhile and that I can find a better job. Bless you.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
August 15, 2007
Urgent prayer need for a financial blessing for Isabella. She cannot pay accounts and doesn't have money to care for her or her daughter. Please pray constantly for her. Thanking you. Her mother.
Karen V. Post
August 15, 2007
Please pray for Marilese who cannot sleep at night especially in her manic stages. She is also very scared at night, and sometimes feels a presence or hears voices. She has a bipolar disorder (manic depression) and takes a lot of medication. She drinks 2 sleeping tablets at night and still cannot sleep. Please pray that the antidepressants she uses works wonders and that she starts sleeping without having to use sleeping tablets. I am scared that she becomes addicted and the medication has side effects as well. Please also pray that she looses the weight she gained because of all the medication as this makes her very depressed. She is also very lonely and without any friends. Please pray that she meets someone who will love, respect and care for her. Thank you for your prayers. Karen
Danny V. Post
August 13, 2007
Greetings in Christ our Lord. This is Danny Vann. Please pray for our new Gospel Outreach ministry as we launch it in the depths of despair on Beale Stree in Memphis this coming August 16th. We are called to seek lost souls by attracting them through the Gospel music of Elvis - "The Other Side of Elvis" will premiere Thursday, Aug 16th and we need all the prayer partners we can get to help ward off the devil & his minions.

Please pray for our protection and for the Holy Spirit to guide us as well as the lost souls so we can penetrate their hearts & souls with the music allowing us to lead them back into His arms - for His Kingdom's sake.
Betty D. Post
August 12, 2007
Please pray for My Son Ron and HIs wife Cassie. Cassie has become involved in a group called PSI Seminars. It is a cult. She wants a divorce so she can become more involved. She says if Ron will not go the group also their marrage is over. Cassie is very angry at me because I will not do daycare so she can attend the PSI meetings. Now She will not allow me to see my two grandaughters. Please pray the truth will come out about this program. That Ron will keep going to church, pray and protect his daughters.
Rosalie J. Post
August 10, 2007
My niece, Mary Lorraine, mother and wife, will be having a very serious operation Aug. 13th at 5:00PM on her neck and spine in which drs. have told her that could be paralyzed or could die. The devil is a LIAR. She loves Jesus! The dr. "said" this operation is a life threatening operation and very delicate.
We believe in miracles and God has the Final Word.

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