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Prayer Requests

Patricia M. Post
September 15, 2005
Prayer N Update on Morgan

Please continue to pray for this sweet little girl. That God will work his miracles in her life. I am enclosing the email from her grandma
Dear ((((((tree)))))),

I really don't have much news (well it is to me!), but wanted to at least share with everybody what we found out today. Our little 6 year old granddaughter, Morgan, who is 6 and has 4 brain tumors, has been going thru experimental chemo for kids for the past couple of months or so. They took an MRI yesterday and today we got the results back. Two of the tumors have grown just a teeeeeeny bit, BUT, 2 of the other tumors have shrunk!!!!!! She has another treatment next week, then again in 3 weeks, then they'll take another MRI to see if that has worked. Can you imagine.... if this works for her, how many other children with cancer it might help or cure????!!!! It's like the first time in months where we have had any good news thinking that things just might get better! Her mom, Angela, was praising the Lord and giving thanks today! She called me at work cause she couldn't hold it in and waittill I got off work, and I had to close my office door and cry and give praise to God that we have more hope now!

I talked to Morgan tonight for over an hour. She was in such a good mood, so sweet and happy! We have this thing where we play hide-n-seek over the phone long distance, and we really go and hide and try to guess where the other is, lol. She was giggling and telling me how much she loved me and said that besides being a Silly Gwama, I was also so sweet! awwwwwww, she's precious! I just ask that all continue to pray for this darling little girl that God will spare her and use her to show that he can work miracles!

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers and I continue to pray for all those in this prayer chain! God Bless you all!

Love ya,

Thank you for your prayers,

Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 8, 2005
Pray for my friend,Penny Bibee. She has terminal cancer. The drs has done all they can do. She is only 42. Pray that God will touch her body and heal her. She has a strong faith . Pray that a benefit singing will come through to help her in her crisis. She has no insurance to bury her should death intervene.
Mona B. Post
September 4, 2005
Please Prayer Warriors continue to Pray for a family I requested Prayer for a couple of week's or so back.I received word last night concerning the family and they are in need of a large amount of money.For those who have forgotten the husband has been falsely accused of a crime he didn't committ.This is an anointed family of God that has came under enemy attack(John 10:10).Anyone wanting to say a special prayer for them can do so by sending it to and the prayer will be given to the family.They are just wanting Prayer that God would move with haste on this for them.So Prayer Warriors Please continue to pray for this family,also pass this request on to other Prayer Warriors and Prayer Chains.Thank You and May God Bless You
Your Sister In Christ
Sharon P. Post
August 31, 2005
My 36 year old daughter is a single mother of 4. She recently had an MRI to determine why her legs were going numb from the knees down at the same time she has terrible pain in her arms, back and legs. The MRI showed no less than 5 crushed discs with two suspicious dark spots on either side of the spine in the lumbar region. She is going back for another MRI, and to a neurologist for some test to determine extent of nerve damage. She is unable to work and receives a small child support check. Pray that her SSI will start soon and that her health problems do not worsen. She may require surgery. Her 3 boys are wonderful children and a joy to have around. Her daughter is moody and needs your prayers also.
Dolores R. Post
August 30, 2005
I pray for healing . I am in pain daily. Also for my good & loyal friend Glenn. Also peace from the person that is causing such stress in my life. Thank you & God Bless
Ed W. Post
August 28, 2005
Dear Friends,

Please pray for those who are in the path of Hurricane Katrina or that will be or have already been affected. Hurricane Katrina has the potential to be the greatest natural disaster the USA has suffered in recent times.

Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness!!

Ed Wrather
Ed W. Post
August 27, 2005
Update and Praise Report - Ashleigh Hagerman

At Ashleigh's appointment on Friday she was told that from the MRI taken the day before her biopsy it appeared that the brain stem tumor might have shrunk slightly. It may be that some of the fingers of the tumor on the previous MRI may have been from inflamation.

Ashleigh performed better Friday on visual acuity and movement tests than she had previously also indicating the possibility of a slight shrinkage in the tumor or a reduction in inflamation or both.

At this point the doctor does not want to pursue any treatment with the apparent improvement. With medication she is not currently having seizures and it is not expected that she will. Ashleigh will have another MRI in three weeks. If that MRI is okay she will have another in two months. A gradual lengthening of time between the MRI's will occur as long as everything is okay.

The doctor also said that when a child survives with a tumor to this age (16) that sometimes the brain somehow accepts the tumor and is able to go on even with it.

As you can see God has answered our prayers and is answering our prayers. God has changed this situation from one of great difficulty to what we now see of much hope.

Please continue to pray for Ashleigh and that God will continue to shrink the tumor!!

Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness!!

Ed Wrather
Ed W. Post
August 24, 2005
Update - Ashleigh Hagerman

The family was notified today that the tumor is benign and is not cancerous. It will be Friday before they know more. Ashleigh has an appointment with the neurosurgeon Friday afternooon.

Thank you for your prayers for Ashleigh and her family!

Ed Wrather
jim o. Post
August 22, 2005
dear burning bush,
this request is for myself, in oct.of 2004 i took a medical leave from work to try & improve my health ,i'm a diabetic with several health issues. things were going well until i ended up in the hospital with an acute broncial destress,i had a stay of three days in the hospital,this was in nov.,i then had a relaps in dec. i had a verylow blood sugar in feb.-march with pnumonia,i was in the hospital for a week and a half,then a week later with chest pains. the reason for this request is since the 1st of march 2005 i've had on income as you can see the finances are very lacking. i need prayer for restration of health & finacces,God has provided but we still need prayer! on oct,5 i go in for sugery for a torn rotorcuff& bonespur removal on my left shoulder! please pray for my health & financal resteration!
jim orange
Ed W. Post
August 17, 2005
Update - Malachi Struthers

The latest bone biopsy shows that there has not been an improvement but a worsening of his condition. The surgery scheduled for the 24th as a result was cancelled. Malachi will now have two more powerful five day rounds of chemo therapy and then the bone biopsy will be repeated to see if the surgery can then be performed.

Thank you for your prayers and faithfulness!!

Ed Wrather

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