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Prayer Requests

Ed W. Post
November 20, 2016
Please pray for my friend's request:

"I have a prayer request. I'm originally from Iran and I've been living in Canada. Life is sometimes complicated and unexplainable!! Due to so much that has been happened in my life I've never got the opportunity of inviting my sisters who live in Iran to come to Canada for a short visit. A month ago I hired an immigration consultant to help me in this matter and she did. All their documents prove and show that it's going to be a short visit and they will go back home after! I received an refusal letter last Wednesday that really shocked me. I've asked all my Christian fellows to stand in this agreement the "Final Word and the decision" is with our Lord. I do not want or ask anything outside the Will of God but I have so much peace that God doesn't want to see me disappointed! It's a part of human rights to be a host of my family after 20 years!! Would you please put my request in the prayer chains that I'm sure you have one and ask people you know to pray for this matter."
jospeter k. Post
October 17, 2016
i want to know God's will for me and my family we are not together now separated becoz of poverty i pray that God will open a door for us to be united and live together again.
Patricia M. Post
August 20, 2016
Update from Debra's sister this evening:
Debra is needing some very strong prayer warriors. She has had a set back. She had her 6th surgery Wednesday night. The
Dr's are keeping her heavily sedated because they want her to stay quite and let her body heal.
Thank you all for sweet thoughts and prayers for my precious sister. LOVE & HUGS!
I first posted for Debra on July 29th. She is having a lot of setbacks. Please keep her in your prayers.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
July 29, 2016
ebra is a friend from HS's sister and a friend from Kmart's wife. This message is from her sister: The news is not good about Debra. They had to remove some of her intestine because of the infection, plus put in some stints, and she had several blood clots. She is critical and i am flying out of here tomorroow afternoon. Matt flew in today and is there and Sheila will be there Saturday. We really need a miracle for my precious sister Debra. We are devastated over this. Prayers and Prayers Patricia
Rose K. Post
June 7, 2016
please pray that my kidneys are healed I believe that the righessness of praying people will prevail also pray that my husband and son become Christians and change their way of live
Elizabeth b. Post
February 17, 2016
I am having too much of infections, dandruff and itching on my hairs. Please pray for me so that all the infections, dandruff and itching may completely go away and I may have very very thick, long and strong hair.please heal me Jesus.and help me this time I may get chance in bsc nursing. Please do help me Jesus.pray for me please. ...
shanjeshni R. Post
February 4, 2016
To get a marry the person I love
Alex L. Post
December 30, 2015
Guys, I need a major prayer request, God is working though me to lead a girl in India to him, but Satan has done a very good job breaking her, and she has no fight left in her, she is trying to change for my sake, Please pray for her, and also pray for Satan to be rebuked in Gods holy name and that God sends Angels to protect her
Ed W. Post
November 18, 2015
Please pray for Jeanie as she is continuing to have pain from her back even after having two injections. She is also having some problem that may be related to her thyroid where she can hardly move in the mornings.
Ed W. Post
November 9, 2015
Please pray for Rylen a boy from our church who has just been admitted to hospital with what appears to be pneumonia. He wasn't responding to treatment so they mediflighted him to a children's hospital in Dallas and he is in ICU there. Thanks for your prayers!!

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